If you're following along on
Instagram, then you know I am participating as a guest in the
One Room Challenge. (
Click that link to find out more info!) And you also know my brain has been all over the place as we make final plans in our loft! Don't worry though, decisions have been MADE and they are final, I think! Woot!!
Decisions are always subject to change.
Board and batten walls have always been a favorite of mine, I love the clean lines, and I feel like they really expand the room making it appear larger. That said, it's a wall feature that is tough for me because the inches and the numbers and the dividing...... ugh.. math....
Well, Court and I have figured out the EASIEST way to do Board and Batten, and that is what I am sharing today!
Stuff you'll need:
1/2" MDF boards
Wood glue
Nail gun
Table saw
Chop saw

#1 PRE-PROJECT TIP...If you have kids have them wash your walls and then give then some boards to doodle on while you cut and attach wood to your wall. That will at least entertain them for a minute. hahah!

Now that they are busy, decide how high you want the top of your board and batten. In our loft
, we did ours 54" up from the floor. You'll want to cut your top MDF into 4" wide strips and attach those to the wall first. As a general note, when you attach each piece of wood, put glue on the back, make sure it's level, and then hold it in place while you use your nail gun to attach it.

After you have the top pieces all on the wall, find the center (left to right) of your wall and mark it, that mark will be the center of the middle vertical piece of your board and batten. From there, divide your wall into equal sections. Where your dividing lines are, that will be the center of each vertical board. We wanted our vertical boards closer together so they ended up being about 13.5" wide from center to center of each board. You can cut those boards to be as wide as you would like, (usually not bigger than 4") and since we wanted our boards closer together, we cut them 2" wide. To avoid unnecessary gaps in your boards, measure each vertical space individually when you are attaching these to your wall.. Some floors aren't exactly level, and this will save you from a loooot of annoyance when you are filling nail holes later. After you've measured, slap glue on the back and nail them to the wall! Again, make sure your boards are level before you nail them. Repeat as needed until your board and batten project is complete!
As always, happy DIYing, and send me pictures of your projects because I want to see them! Find me
on the 'gram, and come hang out during my daily adventures!
xoxo, Sharee
How did you do corners? Do you have to cut an angle on the boards, or are they just "butted" together?