Getting started with Smart Lighting

Tuesday, December 6, 2022

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It can be so intimidating to get started adding “smart” lighting products to your home, but trust me it’s worth it! I can’t imagine not scheduling my lights on my phone or controlling them from my Apple Watch.. We have been working on adding smart switches, plugs and dimmers to our home for almost two years and before that I didn’t even want to think about so I didn’t. Haha!

I am so excited to partner with Lutron Electronics and help you get started with Caséta smart lighting products! These products are the kind that make you think.. “I never knew I needed this!” This is literally my thought every time I install a new device in our home.

Lutron makes it easy to get started, and to add more along the way! So now, as we see a need, we add one! But also, here’s the thing, you can absolutely outfit your whole house with Lutron products at the same time!

Anyway, here are few items that can get you started. 

Smart Hub- This is a MUST. The Hub can hold support up to 75 Lutron products, and connects all your products to the Lutron app. The app is where you set up your schedules for individual devices. I want to note that the app is also controllable through an Apple Watch. I recently discovered that and have to say it’s sooooo convenient. The Hub is super easy to install, when you buy it you will get instructions on how to install, but basically it’s a plug in and sync to the app situation. You can find the Hub on Amazon HERE. Or you can purchase the starter kit which includes the Hub HERE.

Smart switch- These are a GREAT first product to invest in. They are SO convenient! Before we installed one for our front porch lights I would either forget to turn the lights off and they would be on all day, or I would forget to turn them on at night and the porch would be so dark! Now, i have them set to a schedule to turn on around sunset, and then off at sunrise, and the only thing I have to worry about is changing the light bulbs when they bun out haha! It’s also VERY convenient when you go out of town. You can set your lights to turn on and off as if you were still home. Find the the Caséta Smart Switch on Amazon HERE. PS remember my porch before I added the wood to the ceiling?! Crazy the difference…

Lamp Dimmer plug- Like I shared on INSTAGRAM, I have one of these controlling the lights on my Christmas tree. The sun sets so early in Vegas, and I’m usually in and out running the kids around to activities as it gets dark, so often, my tree wouldn’t get turned on until later in the evening when I finally remembered. But can I even tell you.. having our tree set to a schedule is so nice! Not only do I come home to a lit tree, but it takes one thing off my to do list every single day. Game changer! CLICK HERE to buy the Lamp dimmer plug.

See? So easy to get started! I’ll link their website HERE for you to check them out in case you want to see all their products. You can also find their products in Home Depot or Lowe’s, and on Amazon!

I hope this was helpful for you! If you have questions, feel free to reach out! And I would love to hear how you are using Caséta by LUtron in your home! You can comment below, or send me a message on INSTAGRAM. And Until next time, Happy DIYing and have a great day!



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All the Gift guides!

Wednesday, November 23, 2022

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II’ll be updating this as the month goes on, so make sure you save the link, and check back often!

Teenage girls!

All of these things, my teenage daughter has, or has asked for!
Oh, and these are all on Amazon. 🙌🏼

Teenage Boys!
Boys can be so hard! Hopefully this guide helps.

All these below are from Amazon

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Christmas at Target

Saturday, November 5, 2022

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Whether you decorate for Christmas now or wait until December, I think we can all agree we got Christmas on our minds right?? And there are so many cute things at Target this year!! Check out these things I found on a random target trip I took last week. First graphic is items under $20!! 


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Walmart Halloween Decor

Friday, September 23, 2022

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We are all aware that Walmart is stepping up its game, right?! I mean.. did the buyer for Target switch jobs? (Kidding.. kinda) Linked all the things below. Check out that skull wax melter! 😍


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Halloween Target Finds

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So many cute Halloween things at Target this year! Have you been?! And the best part? None of this stuff is over $20! 🙌🏼 Find the links below! PS I have found that if things are out of stock in my store, I can still grab them online. 

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Eclectic modern Office Space

Monday, May 9, 2022

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Have you heard?? I’m working on one of my best friends office space in her home! Here’s where i started! Is this how it’s going to end up? Maybe! But I’m sure I’ll tweak some things along the way!

So it’s an office space, right? And while I was researching all the different cabinet options, in order to get to exactly would fit the space, it was going to be…. Pricey. So the options were, get the stock cabs from Home Depot and have them fit the way they fit, or build my own.  So, of course, I did what every good DIYer would do and watched a bunch of YouTube videos on how to build cabinets. And now I’m about halfway done! Have you seen the latest REEL on the ‘gram? We are making progress! Stay tuned to see how it turns out!

Below you will find the mood board and links for the room!

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Amazon Cozies

Monday, January 10, 2022

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Getting stuff on Amazon can be soooo hit and miss!! Especially with clothing.. But I found these things that I think are pretty great!! Linked them below… Psst and if you click the picture it should take you to my entire Sweater Weather list.

*affiliate links*
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Barbie things!

  We are heading to the Barbie movie on Monday and we are all set with our outfits! I really wanted to be able to wear the things we got aga...

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