I looked HIGH and LOW for the exact curtains that I wanted for my family/dining/kitchen area. I have three big window PLUS a sliding glass door, so I wanted something that I could carry through the entire area. Something light and airy. Something that would give privacy without blocking out all the natural light. I could NOT find anything that I wanted. Everything that I found was either too thick for my liking, not quite the right color, or cost an arm and a leg for ONE panel! So... I started looking for fabric to make my own. I am NOT a seamstress, but I do have a sewing machine and I can sew up a seam. So, I figured, how hard can it be?!
The material that I wanted was slightly off white and gauze-like. But I didn't want my windows to look like I had hung mummy wrappings from the curtain rod. They had to be just right. (Realizing now that I have a very picky taste in curtains. hahahh!)
Guess where I found my perfect fabric?? WALMART!! Of all places! Of all the fabric stores... I searched for weeks, and on a whim, my husband and I ran into walmart on our way home from date night. And voila! There was my fabric! Who knew?! Never underestimate what you can find at that store! Haha!
So... without further ado, I bring you, the EASIEST DIY curtains you've ever seen.
Step 1. You will need to measure your space and how big you want your curtains. And buy your fabric a little longer than needed, because having extra is ALWAYS better than not having enough. I bought enough fabric to get eight 9-foot curtain panels. The fabric was about $2.50/yard.
Step 3. You'll want to even out your ends. I heated up my iron, folded my fabric so that the subtle square pattern all lined up along the bottom, and then ironed it into place.
Step 4. After that was all lined up, I folded the fabric over about another inch. And ironed again. You may need to fold it a little more than an inch depending on how much you need to fold over in step 3. But it's ok! Remember you got more fabric than you needed!
Step 6. Put your sewing machine on the general stitch setting, nothing fancy going on here, just a straight stitch. Sew that folded over fabric on the inside part of the curtain, clear up the folded fabric. This is going to be the bottom of your curtains.
Step 8. You want to fold over more fabric on this end. This is going to be where your curtain rod goes through, I folded over about 3 inches. You may need to do more or less depending on how big your rod is.
Step 9. Here you will repeat steps 5 and 6 just for the top end of your curtain.
Step 10. Iron your finished curtain, and put it on your curtain rod!
Voila! You're DONE!
Now, do a little happy dance because you made your own curtains! I know I did! Woot!!
I LOVE to see projects that people are doing, so if you use this tutorial to make your curtains, I want to know!! Send me pictures to my email at themomhack@gmail.com
And remember, sharing is caring! You know, Pinterest, Instagram, Facebook, etc.
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The material that I wanted was slightly off white and gauze-like. But I didn't want my windows to look like I had hung mummy wrappings from the curtain rod. They had to be just right. (Realizing now that I have a very picky taste in curtains. hahahh!)
Guess where I found my perfect fabric?? WALMART!! Of all places! Of all the fabric stores... I searched for weeks, and on a whim, my husband and I ran into walmart on our way home from date night. And voila! There was my fabric! Who knew?! Never underestimate what you can find at that store! Haha!
So... without further ado, I bring you, the EASIEST DIY curtains you've ever seen.
Supplies you will need...
- Fabric
- Scissors
- Iron and ironing board
- Thread
- Sewing machine
NOTE: I opted to leave the selvage edge of my fabric alone, it's cute and has a little fringe. If you are NOT going to leave that edge, you will want to use steps 3-6 to finish those edges BEFORE you do the top and bottom.
Step 2. I cut my panels all to 9 foot lengths. Use your measuring tape to get the exact length. Remember the phrase, measure twice, cut once? It's a good phrase to live by when cutting curtain panels.

Step 7. Repeat step 3, but on the other end of your curtain panel. MAKE SURE that you fold it the right way so that the front side of your curtains, the part that everyone sees, doesn't show the folded over fabric.

Step 9. Here you will repeat steps 5 and 6 just for the top end of your curtain.
Step 10. Iron your finished curtain, and put it on your curtain rod!
Voila! You're DONE!
Now, do a little happy dance because you made your own curtains! I know I did! Woot!!
I LOVE to see projects that people are doing, so if you use this tutorial to make your curtains, I want to know!! Send me pictures to my email at themomhack@gmail.com
And remember, sharing is caring! You know, Pinterest, Instagram, Facebook, etc.